Monday, October 24, 2011

Tutorial: How to update an old top!

I have this lovely top:

But I don't think the neck line and capped sleeves are that flattering on me and I love the fabric so I wasn't ready to donate it just yet - so I thought, why not change the neck line?

My vision is for a scoop neck sleeveless top, using bias binding to finish the sleeves and neckline.

Bias binding - its a solid trim, you find it in with the elastic and zippers. It's not that expensive to buy but its just as easy to make your own.

taken from

I found loads of great tutorials about bias binding at MADE and coletterie, they also show you what you can do with your fun new bias binding!

If you take a look at the MADE tutorial, she shows us this awesome tool which I had no idea existed. How awesome is it! I unfortunately don't have one of these tools yet so will be doing it my way. I don't think its the "correct" way, but it works for me.

So after the rant about bias binding, back to how to update the top!

1. Put the top on and decide roughly where you will need to cut into it to make the new neckline and arm holes. You hopefully can see the little marks I've put on the top in the picture below:

2. Get your scissors out and cut. For the arm holes - I cut one side first, then used it as a guide for the other side. Neckline I did it roughly, then tried it on and neatened it up.

3. Now whip out your home made bias binding and sew on! The way I do it is sew on one raw edge first. Use right side to right side.

4. Fold back the binding onto the raw edge.

5. Then turn the raw edge in on itself, pin then sew! If my way doesn't make sense try the tutorial on MADE she has also used it to make some super cute hot pads! Sorry I realised I didn't actually take any pictures of the bias binding process. But I plan to make a top for a friend so I will take pictures again and show you.

6. Then voilĂ ! You've got a finished arm hole. Repeat to neck and then your old top is ready for wearing again.

xx cherry xx

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